A full list of publications can be found in my google scholar website here.
Selected papers (selected from 32 publications):
Zhou, W. et al. Global prediction of chromatin accessibility using small-cell-number and single-cell RNA-seq. Nucleic Acids Research, gkz716 (2019). (open access)
Zhou, W. et al. Genome-wide Prediction of DNase I Hypersensitivity Using Gene Expression. Nature communications 8, 1038 (2017). (open access)
Ji, Z., Zhou, W. & Ji, H. Single-cell regulome data analysis by SCRAT. Bioinformatics 33, 2930–2932 (2017). [Joint first author] (open access)
Zhou, W., Sherwood, B. & Ji, H. Computational Prediction of the Global Functional Genomic Landscape: Applications, Methods and Challenges. Human Heredity 81 (2), 88-105. (2017).
Zhou, W., Ji, Z. & Ji, H. Global Prediction of Chromatin Accessibility Using RNA-seq from Small Number of Cells. bioRxiv (2016).
Jin, K. et al. HOXB7 Is an ERalpha Cofactor in the Activation of HER2 and Multiple ER Target Genes Leading to Endocrine Resistance. Cancer. Discov. 5, 944-959 (2015). [Contribution: perform computational and statistical analysis of data.]
Wang, D. D., Zhou, W., Yan, H., Wong, M. & Lee, V. Personalized prediction of EGFR mutation-induced drug resistance in lung cancer. Scientific Reports 3 (2013).
Zhou, W. & Yan, H. Alpha shape and Delaunay triangulation in studies of protein-related interactions. Briefings in Bioinformatics 15, 54-64 (2012).
Zhou, W. & Yan, H. A discriminatory function for prediction of protein-DNA interactions based on alpha shape modeling. Bioinformatics 26, 2541-2548 (2010).
JSM 2019: Single-Cell Transcriptome and Regulome Data Integration
Slides are available here.